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Categories & Rules

The International Clara Schumann Competition 2024 is open to every musician from all over the world in the classical categories of Piano, Strings, Voice, Woodwinds & Chamber Music. There is no age limit.

Instruments & Categories





Double bass









Piano Four Hands

Chamber Music

Age Categories

Tiny Stars – born in 2018 and younger – up to 7 minutes

Prodigy Kids – born in 2017/2016 – up to 7 minutes

Young A – born in 2015/2014 – up to 10 minutes

Young B – born in 2013/2012 – up to 10 minutes

Junior A – born in 2011/2010 – up to 12 minutes

Junior B – born in 2009/2008 – up to 12 minutes

Intermediate – born in 2007/2006 – up to 15 minutes

Advanced A – born in 2005/2004 – up to 15 minutes

Advanced B – born in 2003/2002 – up to 15 minutes

Master A – born in 2001/2000 – up to 25 minutes

Master B – born in 1999/1998 – up to 25 minutes

Professional – born in 1997 and older – up to 25 minutes 

For the discipline of Chamber Music, the category will be determined by the average age of the members of a given group. (For example: Member 1 1996, Member 2 1994, Member 3 2001, the average year will be 1997. The age categorie will be Master A)


The rules of The International Clara Schumann Competition 2024

Applications:  September 22 – November 30, 2024
Results: From January 15, 2024

Article 1.

Opus International, organises The International Clara Schumann Competition 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the competition). The competition takes place entirely over the Internet.

Article 2.

The competition is open to contestants of all nationalities and countries. Participants compete in categories based on the age.

Article 3.

The contestants will be judged based solely on the submitted recordings.

Article 4.

The application fee is 120 EUR. For Chamber Music and Piano 4 Hands the fees are € 150 per ensemble. We provide the secure link for the payment. We will confirm your registration within 24 hours with payment instructions by email.  Once the application fee is paid it cannot be refunded under any circumstances.

Article 5.

Repertoire: Free choice (one or more pieces) from the baroque, classical, romantic or contemporary periods. The performance should be solo, with piano accompaniment or performance with orchestra. Total duration of the video recording is limited:

  • Tiny Stars – born in 2018 and younger – up to 7 minutes
  • Prodigy Kids – born in 2017/2016 – up to 7 minutes
  • Young A – born in 2015/2014 – up to 10 minutes
  • Young B – born in 2013/2012 – up to 10 minutes
  • Junior A – born in 2011/2010 – up to 12 minutes
  • Junior B – born in 2009/2008 – up to 12 minutes
  • Intermediate – born in 2007/2006 – up to 15 minutes
  • Advanced A – born in 2005/2004 – up to 15 minutes
  • Advanced B – born in 2003/2002 – up to 15 minutes
  • Master A – born in 2001/2000 – up to 25 minutes
  • Master B – born in 1999/1998 – up to 25 minutes
  • Professional – born in 1997 and older – up to 25 minutes 

For the discipline of Chamber Music, the category will be determined by the average age of the members of a given group. (For example: Member 1 1996, Member 2 1994, Member 3 2001, the average year will be 1997. The age categorie will be Master A)

Article 6.

Video recordings (audio not acceptable) must be performed by the applicants and may not be edited, nor should any effects be added.  To ensure that poor recording quality does not interfere with jury’s ability to review the material, avoid distortion and ensure that the accompaniment is not louder than the applicant (where applicable). You will not be penalised for the quality of your video, although it is important that it is good enough to see and hear you clearly.

When you submit the Application Form, please include the piece/s you are applying with in the format: name of the piece, composer’s name, duration. 

Videos should be available for watching online – download links won’t be accepted.

Article 7.

If the duration of the submitted Video exceeds the time limits, as specified in the rules, the jury will only evaluate up to the time limit specified for each category.

The duration of the performed piece excludes applause and going onto or leaving the stage.

Article 8.

Registration is to be done exclusively through electronic means. During entering the website the competitor needs to provide the following:

Filled the Online Application form in English

Youtube or Vimeo link

Article 9.

By participating in the competition, competitors automatically disown the right for any material (financial) remuneration regarding eventual publication and distribution of music video recordings on CD and DVD publications and Internet.

Article 10.

A minimum of Three qualified judges will be evaluating the audition materials. The work of the Jury is regulated by special Rules. Jury members are selected from a pool of renowned performing artists, conductors, composers, and pedagogues. All Jury decisions/comments are anonymous, final and irrevocable.

Article 11.

Competitors are qualified according to the average grade point of evaluations by the Jury:

GRAND PRIZE – is to be awarded to the competitor who wins at least 99/100 points

FIRST PRIZE – is to be awarded to the competitor who wins at least 93/100 points

SECOND PRIZE – is to be awarded to the competitor who wins at least 86/100 points

THIRD PRIZE – is to be awarded to the competitor who wins at least 79/100 points

FOURTH PRIZE – is to be awarded to the competitor who wins at least 72/100 points

SPECIAL MENTION– is to be awarded to the competitor who wins at least 65/100 points

HONORARY MENTION – is to be awarded to the competitor who wins at least 55/100 points

Number of awards (prizes) are limited, but can be shared if more than one contestants reach the same mark.

Article 12.

The competitor or competitors who have obtained 99/100 points will be the Absolute Winner or winners and will be awarded with the Diploma “The International Clara Schumann Competition 2024 Grand Prize”. 

The Absolute Winners will get his/hers picture and biography published on the website under the title “The Winners of International Clara Schumann Competition 2024  Grand Prize”. The Absolute Winners also receives a special diploma.

In the case of several competitors-soloists in the category have the same number of points, advantage will be given to the younger competitor. In the case of several competitors in the different categories having the same number of points, final decision on the placement will be brought by the Jury.

Article 13.

The prizes will be awarded based solely on the submitted recordings. The competitors have no right to present any objections against the composition of the Jury.

Article 14.

Fund of prizes:

  • All contestants will be awarded with diplomas
  • Teachers and accompanists on request receive a certificate for a portfolio
  • Some special awards “The International Clara Schumann Competition 2024 Grand Prize” will be awarded to the winner earning a total score of 100 points, with a cash award of € 500/person for solo contestants and € 1000/group for ensemble contestants.
  • A selection of winners will participate in the EFCM European Concert Tour 2024
  • The Absolute Winners will get his/hers picture and biography published on the website under the title “The Winner of International Clara Schumann Competition 20234  Grand Prize”. The Absolute Winners also receives a special diploma.
  • We offer special acknowledgement of select 1st Place winning videos posted on THE CLASSICAL MUSIC CHANNEL Website,  Youtube channel (winners’ highlights video) and Facebook & Instagram.
  • Esteemed Jury Members are offering Scholarships for private Master Classes available to select winners.

Article 15.

After all nominations competition are finished, Diplomas will be sent out.

Article 16.

By applying to the competition, participants automatically accept conditions from previous provisions of the online music competition rules.